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Drams 4
Venue C Venue (Venue 34)
Address Chambers Street
Reviewer Daniel Winterstein

Trusting the Edinburgh weather is risky. Jumping off cliffs is risky. But neither of these are as risky as devised plays. Bedhead is a devised play. It has dream sequences. The press release says it is a comedy, and indeed I laughed a number of times. Possibly this number was two.

Sim is an obnoxious over-sexed 20 something. Mark is his hopeless romantic (pathetic) friend. Alex is their pretty new flatmate, and Richard is the boyfriend who's not good enough for her, which we infer from him wearing a beanie and speaking with a regional accent. They drink a lot, crawl into and out of bed, and that's it, repeated ad nauseam.

Bedhead does have a clever set, and the best parts of the play involve showing this off; the cast are upstaged by the stage. And it might appeal to the characters portrayed (except those with regional accents).

Runs until 24th August, even dates only. 6:45pm. �7.50 (�6.50)
� Daniel Winterstein, 6th August 2002


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