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Personality Questionnaire

The following questionnaire has been scientifically designed to uncover your personality type and current mindset. This can be used as a guide to overcoming problems as well as your future development. Simply answer 'yes', 'no' or 'not certain' to the questions. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
Are your relations with the world characterized by flatness of affect?       Yes No not certain
Do you browse through railway timetables, directories, or dictionaries just for pleasure? Y N nc
Do you really think you know what "pleasure" means? Y N nc
When asked to make a decision, would you be swayed by your like or dislike of the personality involved? Y N nc
Let's say you hate the person and she or he is really rich. Same answer? Y N nc
Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions? Y N nc
Would you prefer to be in a position of power whilst servile eunuchs pleasured you with readings from Goethe? Y N nc
Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing? Y N nc
Do you have any idea why that question is being asked of you at this juncture? Y N nc
Are you often impulsive in your behavior? Y N nc
Would you consider being impulsive in behavior involving Daniel Winterstein and a jar of olives? Y N nc
Are you usually concerned about the need to protect your health? Y N nc
Does the proximity of the previous two questions unnerve, yet somehow titillate you? Y N nc
Does an unexpected action cause your muscles to twitch? Y N nc
Do you wonder why you are repeatedly being asked about fast-twitch muscle response? Y N nc
Do you consider that you could give a valid "snap judgment"? Y N nc
Do your twitches often resemble snaps? Y N nc
Is it normally hard for you to "own up and take the blame"? Y N nc
Doesn't that always just depend on circumstances? Y N nc
Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends? Y N nc
Do you have a circle of small hamsters, rather than a single large yak? Y N nc
Is your life a constant struggle for survival? Y N nc
Are you a drama queen from hell? Y N nc
Do you often sing or whistle just for fun? Y N nc
Do you often sing or whistle just for the sake of annoying those around you? Y N nc
Would the idea of making a complete new start cause you much concern? Y N nc
Would you be willing to straddle the back of my hog and ride off into a sun set of sweat, cold steel, hot leather, and mad passion? Y N nc
Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile? Y N nc
Do these efforts ever pay off? Y N nc
Do you know what would constitute a "pay-off"?Y N nc
Do you find it easy to express your emotions? Y N nc
Do you find yourself to be confused as to what you're feeling these days? Y N nc
Do you want to know what love is? Y N nc
Do you want me to show you? Y N nc
Are you rarely happy, unless you have a special reason? Y N nc
Would the ontological fact of Daniel Winterstein constitute such a reason? Y N nc
Do you "circulate around" at a social gathering? Y N nc
Do you "flirt and vomit" at a social gathering? Y N nc
Are you "always getting into trouble"? Y N nc
Would you be interested in "getting into trouble" with Daniel Winterstein and his collection of wind-up toys? Y N nc
Do you consider the good of all concerned rather than your own personal advantages? Y N nc
Do you get a selfish thrill out of thinking you're ethical? Y N nc
When hearing a lecturer, do you sometimes experience the idea that the speaker is referring entirely to you? Y N nc
Does this happen often in lectures about God? Y N nc
Do you take yourself to be omnipotent, omniscient, and uncaused? Y N nc
Does "external noise" often interfere with your concentration? Y N nc
What about "internal voices?" Y N nc
Do you speedily recover from the effects of bad news? Y N nc
Are you newly recovered from the effects of bad speed? Y N nc
When you criticize - do you at the same time try to encourage? Y N nc
When you encourage, do you patronize? Do you enjoy activities of your own choosing? Y N nc
Do you enjoy being told what it is you'd choose, if only you were cool enough? Y N nc
Does emotional music have quite an effect on you? Y N nc
If not, are you sure its emotional, or are you just parroting the rhetoric of critics? Y N nc
Do you often "sit and think" about death, sickness, pain and sorrow? Y N nc
Do you often "fuck and run" from death, sickness, pain and sorrow? Y N nc
Are you perturbed at the idea of loss of dignity? Y N nc
Dignity in the abstract? Y N nc
Do you really have any idea what "dignity in the abstract" means? Y N nc
Are you openly appreciative of beautiful things? Y N nc
Do you find beautiful things invite your detestation, for they remind you of your own fleshy inadequacies? Y N nc
Do you sometimes give away articles which strictly speaking do not belong to you? Y N nc
May I come over and look through your roommates record collection? Y N nc
Do you accept criticism easily and without resentment? Y N nc
You do? Are you a pansy-ass loser? Y N nc
Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil? Y N nc
Do you gnaw through your lips and pull your hair out in bloody, matted chunks?Y N nc
Are there some things about yourself on which you are touchy? Y N nc
If someone were to touch your touchy things, would you like it? Y N nc
It really all depends on the person, doesn't it? Y N nc
And the touchy things too, probably, yes? Y N nc
And probably also the quality of the touching, is it not so? Y N nc
Do you ever get a single thought which hangs around for days? Y N nc
How about the thought, "God, that was so stupid of me. Ive got to stop drinking."Y N nc
How about the thought, "God, cheese is just so damn good."Y N nc
Would you stop and find out whether a person needed help even though they had not directly asked you for it? Y N nc
It depends on the person again, doesn't it? Y N nc
Not much of a Kantian, are you? Y N nc
Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you? Y N nc
Do you sometimes wonder whether youre able to really care about anyone? Y N nc
Do you think the answers to the previous two questions are interrelated in important ways? Y N nc
Is your facial expression varied rather than set? Y N nc
Are you really vain enough to know? Y N nc
Does a minor failure on your part rarely trouble you? Y N nc
Does a major failure on your part rarely trouble you? Y N nc
If you answered yes to the preceding two questions, would you be willing to share some of that Vicodin? Y N nc
When met with direct opposition would you still seek to have your own way rather than give in? Y N nc
When met with a .357 magnum would you still be so obstinate? Y N nc
Do you ever get disturbed by the noise of the wind or a "house settling down"? Y N nc
Are you a big wussy? Y N nc
Are your decisions swayed by personal interests? Y N nc
Are you self-righteously insistent that personal interests do not determine your decisions? Y N nc
Is it interesting to be self-righteous? Y N nc
Can you get quite enthusiastic over "some simple little thing"? Y N nc
Are you calling me simple? Y N nc
Do you get very ill at ease in disordered surroundings? Y N nc
If I cleaned up, would you come over? Y N nc
In subjects about which you are not expert, are your own ideas of sufficient importance as to tell others? Y N nc
In whose opinion? Yours? Y N nc
Can you accept defeat easily without the necessity of "swallowing your disappointment"? Y N nc
Do you swallow? Y N nc
Do you work in "spurts," being relatively inactive and then furiously active for a day or two? Y N nc
Isn't methamphetamine great? Y N nc
Does the number of uncompleted jobs you have on hand bother you? Y N nc
Does the number of hand jobs you have uncompleted bother you? Y N nc
Would you make the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain? Y N nc
Would you make the necessary actions to kill a human in order to put it out of mind? Y N nc
Is it easy for you to relax? Y N nc
Is it relaxing for you to be easy? Y N nc
Do you really think it is possible to learn anything from questionairres? Y N nc


(c) Olly Ruff, Richard Nance

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