Morning Fist HQ

Feedback Form

Morning Fist is a democratic magazine. Help us to stay in touch with the people by filling in this form. However there is, of course, only one will and that is the will of the party.


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Morning Fist is...

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Should you know of any reactionary elements, please list their names below:
Name: Crime:
Name: Crime:
Name: Crime:

If you are uncertain as to what your opinion is on any subject, submit your questions here & our panel of experts will tell you what it is.
Questions (preferrably on the Revolution, Justice or Revolutionary Justice):

Spontaneous praise for the Leader:

I wish to make a donation to the Leader to be used for purchasing:
Arms for the struggle Ford Capris
Women Meat
Please debit my credit card accout. My number is

Technical note: This form will only work if your browser is set up to do e-mail. Both netscape & explorer can do this. If you have any problems please contact our technical staff at [email protected] and they'll have good laugh at your expense.
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